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High School DxD Wiki

Youjutsu is a magic technique, which is exculsive to Youkai.


Little explanation has been provided about the nature of Youjutsu, aside from it being a magic technique exclusive to Youkai, revolving around using Youki for a wide arrange of Youkai spells to cause various supernatural effects.


Youjutsu is a magic power unique to Youkai, revolving around the manipulation of Youki (妖気) to cause various mystical effects ranging from producing poisons to barriers.[1]


To use Youjutsu, there are typically a series of hand signs performed by the user.

Poison Mist[]

Among the techniques revolving around Youjutsu, is producing a poisonous mist effective against specific races, such as Devils and Youkai, being ineffective against Dragons and/or Dragon-type Sacred Gear users, like Issei Hyoudou, the Boosted Gear owner.[1] Kuroka was able to refine this poisonous mist using Bikou as a guinea pig, referred to as an Anti-Sun Wukong Poison, affecting the former Youkai turned Buddha, even after dispelling it using the same spell that dispelled the Dimension Lost's mist.[2]


Among the techniques is producing illusions meant to confuse and disorient opponents, making it difficult for one not adept at sensing their opponents to tell what's real and what's not.[1]

Elemental Manipulation[]

Youjutsu users have been shown to be capable of creating and controlling various elements, which was shown by both the original and current Sha Wujing, whose techniques revolve around water.[2]


