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High School DxD Wiki
How do you do, Devils. My name is Walburga, I’m one of the leaders of “Hexennacht”. Pleased to make your acquaintance♪

–Walburga introducing herself to the Devils of DxD, Volume 17, Life 3 The Direction of the Evil Intent


Walburga is a Magician and a former leader of Hexennacht, a group of Stray Magicians. She was the former possessor of one of the Longinus, Incinerate Anthem.


Walburga is a woman in her early 20s with short hair adorned with numerous ribbons.

She wears a purple Gothic lolita outfit.


Walburga is a sadist who loves looking at people in pain. She is twisted enough that she has no qualms helping Rizevim in reviving Trihexa by removing its seals with her Longinus, supporting Qlippoth's terrorism simply for fun. However, she is shown to be a coward who will only fight in battles where she has an absolute advantage, often retreating if the odds turn against her.


Walburga is already a member of Hexennacht in her teens as she is the disciple of the former wielder of Incinerate Anthem and leader of the group, Augusta. At some point in time, she inherited the Longinus and became one of the leaders of Hexennacht.

She has also allied with Rizevim Livan Lucifer after the latter's reemergence.

Powers & Abilities[]

Master Magician: Being a former disciple of Augusta and a former leader of the Stray Magicians; Hexennacht, Walburga is a skilled and talented master Magician, as she is also able to cast spells quickly.

  • Elemental Magic: Walburga has shown the ability to release various elemental magic attacks during her battle with Team DxD.
  • Defensive Magic: In Volume 19, she was able create a defensive barrier moments before being hit by Issei's Crimson Blaster.
  • Teleportation Magic: Walburga can use teleport magic as she used it to move around during the attack on Auros and later to escape from Heaven. She could use thousands of teleportation spells to create transportation route.


Incinerate Anthem (紫炎祭主による磔台(インシネレート・アンセム), Inshinerēto Ansemu) : The Longinus previously wielded by Walburga. It is one of the Three Holy Relics, the Holy Cross on which Christ was crucified. Its special ability is to create purple holy flames in the form of a cross that can incinerate Devils with ease as shown when Walburga attacked Sairaorg Bael. It is different from other Sacred Gears that it can be transferred to another user of its own will and even if the current user hasn't died yet. Walburga had shown that she could create several purple-flame cross pillars to surround Auros Academy.

  • Incinerate Antiphona Calvario (最終審判者による覇焔の裁き(インシネレート・アンティフォナ・カルヴァリオ), Inshinerēto Antifona Karuvario): Walburga's sub-species Balance Breaker. It had the ability to manifest different forms depending on the souls that she uses that is able to move independent from her. During the fight against D×D, Walburga used half of the soul of Yamata no Orochi to manifest the legendary Evil Dragon that is made entirely of holy flames. Walburga is still able to create purple holy flame while in this Balance Break. She had the power to create beings of souls or shape them to certain shapes.


  • Walburga is a German given name. It means "ruler of the fortress" from the Germanic elements wald "power, leader, ruler" and burg "fortress" so this would suggest Walburga is German.
  • Her nickname Shien means "to aid; to support; to provide assistance; to back; to help".
  • Antiphon has the meaning of "ecclesiastical" which means: of or relating to the church or the clergy; churchly; clerical; not secular. Calvario has the meaning of "torment" so what Antiphon Calvario means in relation to Incinerate Anthem's power is "Holy Torment".
  • Hexennacht means "Witches' Night".
  • Walburga being a part of Hexenacht may have been a reference to Saint Walburga, who was an English missionary to the Frankish Empire, due to Hexenacht being the other name for the eve of the feast day of Saint Walburga.
    • The common name the feast day goes by is Walpurgis Night (April 30th into May 1st).



High School DxD
Team D×D
Issei Hyoudou's Peerage Issei HyoudouIngvild LeviathanAsia ArgentoXenovia QuartaRavel PhenexRossweisseBennia Orcus
Rias Gremory's Peerage Rias GremoryAkeno HimejimaIssei HyoudouYuuto KibaKoneko ToujouGasper VladiLoup Garou
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72 Pillars Riser PhenexLord PhenexZeoticus GremorySairaorg BaelMagdaran BaelMisla BaelSeekvaira AgaresMisteeta SabnockCoriana AndrealphusLiban CrocellLady PhenexDiodora AstarothVenelana GremoryZephyrdor Glasya-LabolasDiehauser BelialLadora BunéMillicas GremoryBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamRuval PhenexZekram BaelNaud GamiginLilitifa VeparGragg ForneusEneely VassagoIolava AmonCleria BelialSectaas BarbatosVeves FurfurBafeel FurcasLatia AstarothIryuka Glasya-LabolasAvi Amon
Extra Demons Grayfia LucifugeEuclid LucifugeKuisha AbaddonBedeze AbaddonMephisto PhelesRoygun Belphegor
Reincarnated Devils EnkuViserRegulusTanninSouji OkitaSurtr SecondMacGregor MathersBeowulfIsabelaIle and NelKarlamineMiraSirisXuelanYubellunaBülentMarionRudiger Rosenkreutz
Satan Clans LuciferLilithBeelzebubLeviathanAsmodeusRizevim Livan LuciferBidleid Bashalun BeelzebubTsufaame Tereaku LeviathanDamaidosu Zereikel AsmodeusRazevan LuciferVali LuciferIngvild LeviathanShalba BeelzebubKaterea LeviathanCreuserey Asmodeus
New Devils BalberithVerrineGressilSonneillon
Other Devils Lirenkus
Fallen Angels
Grigori AzazelShemhazaiBaraqielKokabielArmarosSaharielTamielBenemune
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Four Great Seraphs MichaelGabrielUrielRaphael
Ten Seraphs Metatron
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina ShidouDiethelm WaldseemüllerKiyotora ShinraNero RaimondiMirana ShatarovaRyuu HeikanJessica LagerkvistCaesar VilliersLint Sellzen
Gods and Buddhas
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E×E Gods Chimune ChipaotiRegalzeva
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Dragon God OphisLilith
Two Heavenly Dragons DdraigAlbion
Five Great Dragon Kings Yu-LongTiamatVritraMidgardsormrFafnir
Evil Dragons GrendelCrom CruachAži DahākaLadonYamata no OrochiApophisNiðhöggrAnselmusCyrilGregoriosSimeonAži Dahāka IIFake DdraigFake Albion
Other Dragons RasseiSamaelIssei HyoudouTanninBova TanninBlizzard DragonSprite DragonEarth DragonSpectre Dragons
Kuoh Academy Students Zekka MiyamotoLilebette D'Artagnan LunaireAika KiryuuYukihiko HoderiKiyome AbeMatsudaMotohamaMurayamaKataseHaseTadami KamoTadami KamoKyuji EnnoMai KazamatsuriRyuuji TsuchidaMai KazamatsuriMasato Mizuhashi
Five Principal Clans Suzaku HimejimaShuri HimejimaSuou HimejimaAkeno HimejimaTobio IkuseOuryuu NakiriNakagami NakiriMomiji NakiriGenbu DoumonSeiryuu Kushihashi
Cross Times Kiss Mitsuya KanzakiShizuka Kirino
Magicians Shooting StarMeredith OrdintonMil-tanElaine WestcottWalburga
Exorcists Vasco StradaEwald CristaldiTouji ShidouMasaomi YaegakiTeodoro LegrenziSiegfried
Other Humans Gorou HyoudouMiki HyoudouUther PendragonMagnus RoseLeonardoBelzardElshaValper GalileiFreed Sellzen
Other Characters
Youkais YasakaKunouNurarihyonMagariSha WujingZhu BajieFujimaiSalamander Tomita
Vampires Elmenhilde KarnsteinValerie TepesMarius TepesLord VladiMillarca Vordenburg
Grim Reapers PlutoBenniaOrcusPluto IIThanatosZeno
Valkyries GöndulRossweisseBrynhildrSchwertleiteHelmwigeOrtlindeGrimgerdeSchwertleite
Evies RugatimuHaz IlyusBebevu SuGvardora
Other Species Ryuuteimaru666 (Trihexa)TyphonSurtr