High School DxD Wiki
High School DxD Wiki

Main Characters

Issei Hyoudou

During their first meeting, Vali was on a completely different level compared to Issei, which made the latter feel inferior, prompting him to devote more of his time to trying to become more powerful. During the signing of the peace treaty between the Three Factions, Issei fought him when Vali went against everyone and formed a team of his own in the Khaos Brigade. In an attempt to bait him into fighting harder, Vali not only insulted Issei's lineage but also threatened to kill off his parents. This enraged Issei, causing him to engage Vali in his Balance Breaker mode, which was only achieved temporarily thanks to Azazel's bracelet. Regardless, Issei, seemingly, was able to defend against Vali either due to the latter holding back or due to his underestimation of Issei more likely the latter since Issei kept surprising Vali during their battle like when he first destroyed his armor or when he stole his power of Divine Deividing. However, the fight remained inconclusive since Vali was interrupted and was teleported away just before he could enter Juggernaut Drive, by Bikou.

In Volume 6, Vali approached Issei to congratulate him for attaining his completed Scale Mail Balance Breaker and to warn him about Diodora Astaroth. Later during the volume, after Issei goes berserk due to Juggernaut Drive, Vali helps the Occult Research Club revert him back, thus saving his life. After that, the two of them witnessed Great Red emerging from the Dimensional Gap as the two of them promised to fight each other as the two fist bumped each other, with Vali claiming that Issei is amusing and asking Issei to become stronger.

During Volume 7, Vali appeared to save Issei after he was bitten by Fenrir. After Issei woke up, Vali stated that while he could not defeat Loki and Fenrir alone, it would be a different story if the Two Heavenly Dragons joined forces, stating he didn't mind fighting alongside Issei. As Issei wondered why Loki hates peace, Vali stated that there are people who consider the so-called peace painful (a phrase that had a deep impact on Issei and stuck with him as he pondered about it during various times). Vali reveals while he was initially disappointed that Issei was a Red Dragon Emperor who was talentless and weak, he praised Issei for trying to master Ddraig's power by communicating with him as Vali stated that he would like to have a match similar to a Rating Game between his own team and a team that Issei creates.

In Volume 9, Vali sent Le Fay Pendragon along with Gogmagog to assist Issei by foiling the Hero Faction's ambush. After receiving Le Fay's report, Vali noted that Issei has begun to make contact with the past possessors of his Longinus and that Vali is doing the same, though Vali stated that unlike Issei, who is trying to convince the past possessors by words, Vali would take the greater challenge of dominating the past possessors as he claimed that it was more fun that way. Vali stated that Cao Cao should defeat them while he still has a chance and before the Two Heavenly Dragons completely surpass his powers.

In Volume 10, Vali sent a message to Azazel, claiming he would protect the Issei's match against Sairaorg as he was looking forward to it.

In Volume 11, Vali sent Ophis to Issei's place as she was interested in Issei's growth and also to protect her against Cao Cao and the Hero Faction. After being defeated by Cao Cao and poisoned by Samael, Issei later visited Vali and talked to him about Cao Cao and Ophis as both reaffirmed their promise to fight each other and promised to survive the upcoming fight. As Issei stayed behind in the collapsing subspace to defeat Shalba Beelzebub and save Ophis, Issei promised to defeat Shalba on Vali's behalf too, causing Vali to smile.

In Volume 12, in a conversation with Yuuto Kiba, Vali promised to avenge Issei. After Issei returned from the dead, Vali was there to greet him and showed Issei his Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, which he used to defeat Pluto. After Issei defeats Cao Cao, Cao Cao tells him that Vali's rival is the best, Vali states that he won't hand over his rival to anyone and states that the only one who has the right to defeat Issei is him. After learning that Issei came back to life with the flesh and power of Great Red, Vali told Issei that he has to finish his battle with Issei first before challenging Great Red as Vali warned Issei that many people will come for his life due to his contact with Great Red and Ophis.

In Volume 16, Vali and Issei teamed up against Crom Cruach as Vali wanted to confront Rizevim Livan Lucifer while Issei wanted to save Gasper's childhood friend Valerie Tepes. Despite their combined assault, the two of them were unable to defeat Crom Cruach, as he simply stalled them for 10 minutes. Vali and Issei later joined Team DxD together, becoming the vanguards against Rizevim.

In Volume 17, Vali and Issei trained together with Sun Wukong, as the two complimented each other's special forms, Vali stated that Albion and Ddraig are having difficulty drawing answers about Issei and Vali's new powers due to the past White Dragon Emperor's hate towards Ddraig and Issei.

In Volume 20, Vali and Issei teamed up to fight Rizevim and Diehauser Belial. While Vali was initially irritated due to him not wanting Issei to interfere in his fight with Rizevim, he softened his tone after seeing Issei's parents captured by Rizevim, and told Issei that he has to survive since he promised to rescue his parents. After Vali was overwhelmed by Rizevim, Vali watched Issei fiercely fight for his family. After Issei attained Diabolos Dragon and defeated Rizevim, Vali complimented him, saying that he was captivated watching Issei fight for his family the same time he felt lonely. He acknowledged lssei's defeat of Rizevim.

In Volume 21, Vali comes to see Issei when he is recuperating in the hospital where he meets Issei's parents. While conversing with them, Vali told them how he initially wanted to kill them to make Issei an avenger, asking if they forgive him for becoming happy when they did. Vali later teased Issei by mentioning to his parents that Issei got angrier when he threatened to halve Rias' breasts more than when Vali threatened to kill Issei's parents, as he laughed in amusement when Issei got scolded by his parents. While coming over to discuss the plans for 666, Vali restated his desire to fight a team created by Issei not just his peerage, as he stated that compared to fighting the Rias' peerage, he would prefer to fight the team his rival created more. The two of them promised each other to survive and overcome the oncoming fight. After defeating Aži Dahaka and Apophis, Issei, and Vali talked to each other in the medical room about Issei's Dragon Deification and the fact that Azazel sealed himself in the Isolation Field Barrier. The two of them promised to see Azazel again, at least to complain to him one more time.

In Volume 22, Vali along with his team went fishing with Issei and the Occult Research Club, as the two of them discussed Issei's journey and his upcoming High-class Devil promotion as Vali revealed that he was already promoted to Ultimate-class Devil as Vali revealed that he was excited for the Azazel Cup as he wished to see Issei participate as well. Later, Vali and his team attended Issei's High-class Devil promotion. Vali later greeted Issei when he arrived at the venue with his team, as Issei stated that he wished to have a good match against him as fellow Heavenly Dragons.

In Volume 23, Issei, Vali, and Saji went fishing as the three of them discussed finding enjoyment in a fight as well as the upcoming fight between Sairaorg Bael and Cao Cao as well as the fight between Issei's team and Sona's team and later went to see Rias' Rating Game which revealed that Crom Cruach was her Pawn as Issei and Vali reaffirmed their promise to meet each other in the finals.

In Volume 24, Issei protected the Rating Game between Vali and Rias from the attack of Thanatos and his Grim Reapers, as he stated that was looking forward to it more than anyone.

In Volume 25, during the party, Issei states that if he and Vali get matched up together, there won't be any stage like theirs as Vali reveals that he wants to continue the fight that they had during the peace meeting of the Three Factions.

Later in the series, the two of them have started to become friends; although they are still in a heated rivalry. They even promised to fight each other someday and continue to grow stronger until then.

Issei and Vali share a few similarities they are both powerful Heavenly Dragons, with degrading nicknames, they both have comrades whom they care deeply for, and they both have deep relationships with Azazel. However, at the same time, they are different in other cases such as; Vali enjoys the idea of fighting strong opponents and finds the idea of peace boring, while Issei openly welcomes it. Vali is also shown to be calm and collected, while Issei tends to be reckless and easily angered. These similarities and differences are enough to establish Vali as a foil to Issei.


Unlike the rest of the Khaos Brigade, Vali did not make use of Ophis. When he came to believe that Cao Cao and the rest of the Hero Faction might attempt something against her, he sent her secretly to the Hyoudou Residence to keep her safe. He was also Ophis' talking partner during her time as the leader of the Khaos Brigade. Ophis considers Vali her friend just like Issei, as she helped Vali unlock his Diabolos Dragon Lucifer form so he could defeat Aži Dahaka. After the battle, when Vali and Issei were saddened by Azazel's departure, she promised to stay with him and Issei forever along with Lilith.

Fallen Angels


After being discarded by his father (his mother being the only one who loved him, but could do nothing to protect Vali from his father's abuse), who called him a monster, it was Azazel who took Vali into his fold, becoming a surrogate father to him in the process out of sympathy. Despite this, Vali betrayed Azazel during the meeting between the Three Factions by becoming a member of the Khaos Brigade in order to fufil his desire to seek out battles with strong enemies. He has shown strong loyalty and respect towards Azazel, willingly dealing with Kokabiel on the latter's instructions. Vali and Azazel have a father-son bond and Vali himself became incredibly enraged when he saw Azazel being badly injured by Cao Cao. Azazel is probably the only person who understands Vali's deepest thoughts and emotions and despite Vali being renowned for his battle maniac personality, Azazel correctly figured out what Vali truly desired is not power, but a happy family like Issei's. The two have also been shown to co-operate well in battles. In Volume 21, it was shown that Azazel is the ideal father Vali has desired, and Vali himself stated that meeting Azazel is one of the biggest blessings he ever had. When Azazel leaves for the Isolation Barrier Field, Vali desperately begs Azazel not to leave him, reminiscing the time he spent together with Azazel since his childhood days.

Vali Team


Vali considers Bikou as both a partner and a close friend. They are usually seen hanging out together because of their close friendship.

Arthur Pendragon

Arthur and Vali have great respect for each other as both a leader and as a friend, and are willing to fight together.

Le Fay Pendragon

Vali has great respect for Le Fay due to her superlative skills in the art of magic.


Kuroka cares and respects Vali, and sees him as an important friend. As a comrade of his, Vali was shown to become enraged when Cao Cao endangered her, even more so that he used Vali's own power to do it.


Vali and Fenrir both enjoy fighting as both of them seek stronger and more powerful people to fight.

Slash/Dog Team

Tobio Ikuse

Initially, it was said that Vali and Tobio hate one another, but it is was revealed in Volume 19 that Vali seems to share an older brother-younger brother type of relationship with Tobio. In the past, Tobio and Vali lived together, so they know each other quite well. According to Tobio, Vali is very clingy, comparing him to a troublesome little brother, so he avoids seeing him.

Lavinia Reni

Vali has shown to care about Lavinia and sees her like a older sister. Vali is also fearful of her, as seen upon reuniting with her in Volume 21 and tried to run away from her. Lavinia gave a gentle scolding to Vali for acting on his own to find Rizevim and hugged him. She also likes to tease Vali, calling him "Va-kun". Albion once tease Vali about Lavinia being his Princess.

Old Satan Faction

Shalba Beelzebub

Shalba hates Vali for being a half-human/devil hybrid due to his pure blooded views. Vali himself also seems to believe Shalba's ideals of world domination are delusional and naive. They have a purely antagonistic relationship as Shalba called himself a "True Satan" while Vali stated that he didn't want to hear Shalba who borrows power from someone else than himself (Ophis) call himself a Satan.

Hero Faction

Cao Cao

Vali had an antagonistic relationship with Cao Cao. Vali constantly meddled with Cao Cao's schemes, such as sending Le Fay to aid Issei's group when Cao Cao ambushed them and later sending Ophis away to a safe place in an attempt to keep her away from Cao Cao. During their fight, Vali became enraged when Cao Cao injured Azazel and then attacked him recklessly, Cao Cao further enraged him by using an attack to injure one of his own teammates. To date, Cao Cao is the only person who made Vali enraged enough to use his Juggernaut Drive out of anger instead of necessity.

Qlippoth Faction

Rizevim Livan Lucifer

Vali's grandfather, who Vali utterly despises for his part in the bad treatment Vali got from his father. Vali's hatred towards his grandfather is so immense that in Volume 15, Azazel noted that Rizevim was the only person who was capable of provoking tremendous anger in his own grandson, and in Volume 16, Issei himself noted that he has never seen Vali openly express so much anger, which strongly contradicted his calm and collected nature, when Vali first reunited with Rizevim for the first time since he was a boy. Vali also stated that Rizevim was the person he wanted to kill the most when they reunited and considered him both scum and someone who does not deserve to carry the Lucifer name. Vali was further disgusted to learn that he and his grandfather share the same goal of defeating Great Red. Rizevim himself was fully aware of the immense pain Vali suffered as a boy due to the advice he gave his own son, Vali's father, years before, and found sadistic amusement in his grandson's murderous anger towards himself to the point of even addressing Vali affectionately as Vali-kun. He also particularly enjoyed toying around with his grandson in combat. When Rizevim was defeated and fatally injured by Issei in Volume 20, Vali ruthlessly hunted Rizevim down and was shown to be absolutely merciless as shown by completely ignoring his grandfather's plea to spare his life. When Rizevim was brutally killed by Fafnir, Vali completely felt no sorrow towards his demise.

Euclid Lucifuge

Vali is shown to dislike Euclid due to Euclid serving his grandfather; Rizevim as well as making a replica of the Boosted Gear which belongs to his rival; Issei. During their fight, Vali refused to fight him with his full strength as he didn't use his Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, stating that Issei is the only Red Dragon Emperor that he would use it against and that Euclid isn't the Red Dragon Emperor that he wants to fight with everything he has.



Similar to the relationship between Ddraig and Issei, Albion seems to get along with Vali very well; Albion gives advice to Vali for fights and dailylife, while Vali has shown to care deeply for Albion, feeling troubled when Albion fell into depression and tried to find a method to make Albion feel better.

Aži Dahāka

The two of them have been very antagonistic to each other since their first meeting. But both of them share deep respect for each other, as Azi Dahaka claims he is the strongest of all the opponents he has ever fought. This is also shown when he apologizes to Vali for utilizing such a lowly technique against him. After their battle Azi Dahaka said that he will return one day and will fight him again.


Razevan Lucifer

As a child, Vali was brutally abused by his extremely arrogant Devil father on account of the intense jealousy his father felt towards Vali's ownership of a Longinus supplemented with the inherited demonic powers of Lucifer that would eventually surpass his own power. His father was completely cruel to the point that he even ruthlessly abused Vali's mother simply for showing Vali even the slightest form of kindness. Thus Vali held immense hatred towards his father to the point Vali even swore that he would commit patricide to ensure revenge and was perfectly content to learn that his father had died without a single shred of sorrow.

Vali's Mother

Vali's mother was a very compassionate woman who did everything she could to protect Vali from his father's cruelty despite being completely powerless before his great power as a descendant of Lucifer. Being extremely sorrowful and sympathetic with her son's plight, Vali's mother would secretly bandage Vali's wounds and cooked simple pasta to feed him despite the serious consequence of being subjected to cruel abuse by his father. Vali is extremely protective of his mother and cares greatly for her well being. When he found out that she had gained a happy family after remarrying a Human husband and birthing two children, Vali was determined to protect his mother and half siblings at all costs. It was their safety and protection that drove Vali to gain the willpower to defeat Aži Dahāka in an brutal death match.


Genbu Doumon
