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Telos Karma (究極の羯磨(テロス・カルマ), Terosu Karuma), also known as the Ultimate Karma (究極の羯磨, Kyūkyoku no Katsuma), is a Longinus wielded by Mitsuya Kanzaki.


In the past, there were several sudden incidents and phenomena impossible to explain under normal circumstances by historians or researchers causing a change in human history in places such as Japan and Europe caused by this Longinus, in particular, earning it the name "History Breaker".[1]

Four years prior, Telos Karma originally belonged to Momiji Nakiri, a member of one of the Five Principal Clans and little sister of their former heir and original owner of the Yellow Dragon, Nakagami Nakiri who had been hailed as the "Strongest Ouryuu in History" before causing an incident involving Tobio Ikuse and Vali Lucifer in Kyoto.

At some point, she disappeared and Mitsuya Kanzaki became the current possessor of Telos Karma, sparking the animosity of her little cousin Ouryuu Nakiri (born as Ryuuta Nakiri).[2]



Telos Karma has the ability to forcibly create and enforce options and choices that aren't possible normally, changing the possibility of certain phenomena into unexpected events. Ouryuu further elaborated on this by providing examples such as Telos Karma causing Ajuka's Game, Beelzebut, to experience failures and/or affecting the surroundings of a trained swordswoman like Xenovia, leaving her unable to react to something as simple as a thrown stone.[1] Telos Karma is said to be capable of changing or interfering with the course of the history of the world.[1][3]

  • Transcendental Arrival (嵌手(トランセンデンタル・アライヴァー), Toransendentaru Araivā): A technique that allows Mitsuya to artificially awaken both Balance Breakers of Innovate Clear and Telos Karma. When activated, Mitsuya's body becomes clad in a futuristic-looking powered exoskeleton. In this form and the world it creates, the user can control fate as they desire,[1] and Telos Karma's effects become enhanced to the extent that not even a God-class being can fully resist them.[4]



  • The name of the Longinus comes from two words; "Telos" and "Karma", which both refer to a school of thought about a individual's purpose or actions:
    • Telos (/ˈtɛ.lɒs/; Greek: τέλος, translit. télos, lit. "end, 'purpose', or 'goal") is a term used by philosopher Aristotle to refer to the full potential or inherent purpose or objective of a person or thing, similar to the notion of an 'end goal' or raison d'être. Moreover, it can be understood as the "supreme end of man's endeavour."
    • Karma (/ˈkɑːrmə/; Sanskrit: कर्म, romanized: karma, IPA: [ˈkɐɽmɐ]; Pali: kamma) means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.
  • Telos Karma's status as the 13th Longinus which is considered heretical is a reference to the cross-cultural belief that the number 13 brings bad luck.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Light Novel Volume 25, Life 2
  2. True Light Novel Volume 2, Life DxD & Data XxX
  3. True Light Novel Volume 4, Life 2
  4. Light Novel Volume 25, New Dark


High School DxD
Sacred Gears
Original Longinus True LonginusZenith Tempest Annihilation MakerDimension LostBoosted GearDivine DividingRegulus NemeaCanis LykaonIncinerate AnthemAbsolute DemiseSephiroth GraalInnovate ClearTelos Karma
New Longinus Nereid KyrieStar Buster Star BlasterAeon BalorAlphecca TyrantUnknown Dictator
Artificial Sacred Gears Blazer Shining or Darkness BladeDown Fall Dragon SpearApplause WallProcellarum PhantomScouting PersonaTwinkle AegisRagnarok Earth Berserk
Regular Sacred Gears Sword BirthTwilight HealingForbidden Balor ViewAegis MineralizationHoly ResuscitationSturdy SaintBlade BlacksmithNight ReflectionGravity JailVariant DetonationMirror AliceTwice CriticalTrick VanishDreamlike CurseStrategy TrapFreezing ArchaeopteryxFlame ShakeStaring BlueStaring Green
Vritra's Sacred Gears Absorption LineBlaze Black FlareDelete FieldShadow Prison
Holy Relics True LonginusIncinerate AnthemSephiroth GraalAlphecca Tyrant
Balance Breakers
Original Longinus Polar Night Longinus ChakravartinFlagello di Colori del Arcobaleno, Speranza di BriscolaBandersnatch and JabberwockyDimension CreateScale MailRegulus Rey Leather RexNight Celestial Slash DogsLovely Heavenly AngelsAssoluto Argento Mondo
New Longinus Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast
Regular Sacred Gears Sword of BetrayerTwilight Saint Affection
Vritra's Sacred Gears Malebolge Vritra Promotion
Unique Sacred Gear Forms
Boosted Gear Juggernaut DriveIllegal Move TriainaCardinal Crimson PromotionDiabolos Dragon GodSuper Gigantic Balance Breaker
Divine Dividing Juggernaut DriveEmpireo Juggernaut OverdriveDiabolos Dragon Lucifer
Regulus Nemea Regulus Rey Leather Rex Imperial Purpure
Canis Lykaon Perfectus Tenebrae Lykaon et Fortis Densus Laelaps
Aeon Balor Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess
Vritra's Sacred Gears Vritra Promotion
Sacred Gear Possessors
Original Longinus Cao CaoDulio GesualdoLeonardoGeorgIssei HyoudouVali LuciferSairaorg BaelTobio IkuseLint SellzenLavinia ReniValerie TepesMitsuya Kanzaki
New Longinus Ingvild LeviathanShooting StarGasper VladiMeredith OrdintonMagnus Rose
Artificial Sacred Gears Tomoe MeguriAzazelMomo HanakaiRuruko NimuraReya KusakaTsubasa YuraVidar
Regular Sacred Gears Yuuto KibaAsia ArgentoPerseusDiethelm WaldseemüllerNero RaimondiJeanneConnlaLiban CrocellHeraclesTsubaki ShinraSiegfriedMisteeta SabnockMarsilioZhuge Liang
Vritra's Sacred Gears Genshirou Saji
Sacred Gears by Category
State Change Sacred Gears Boosted GearDivine DividingTelos KarmaAlphecca TyrantAegis MineralizationTwice CriticalProcellarum Phantom
Recovery Sacred Gears Sephiroth GraalTwilight HealingHoly Resuscitation
Creation Sacred Gears Annihilation MakerSword BirthBlade BlacksmithStrategy TrapScouting Persona
Defensive/Counter-Based Sacred Gears Mirror AliceNight ReflectionSturdy SaintTwinkle Aegis
Attribute/Elemental Sacred Gears Zenith TempestAbsolute DemiseIncinerate AnthemNereid KyrieUnknown DictatorVariant DetonationFreezing ArchaeopteryxFlame ShakeStaring BlueStaring Green
Time/Space-Based Sacred Gears Aeon BalorForbidden Balor ViewGravity JailDreamlike Curse
Barrier/Sealing Sacred Gears Dimension LostInnovate ClearTrick VanishApplause Wall
Independent Avatar Sacred Gears Absolute DemiseIncinerate AnthemCanis LykaonRegulus NemeaFour FiendsFreezing Archaeopteryx
Sealed/Contract Sacred Gears Boosted GearDivine DividingRegulus NemeaCanis LykaonFour FiendsVritra's Sacred GearsDown Fall Dragon SpearTwinkle AegisRagnarök Earth Berserk