High School DxD Wiki
High School DxD Wiki

Summary []

After finally locating the location of the missing Agreas, Team DxD moved to finally put an end to Rizevim Livan Lucifer, with Issei Hyoduou and Vali Lucifer (the Two Heavenly Dragons) being the most determined to defeat him due to the pain he caused to both of them.

Prelude []

Following the disappearance of the Phenex siblings (Ravel and Riser Phenex) during their Rating Game against Diehauser Belial, Team DxD began to search for them. Ajuka Beelzebub called them over to his personal dimension to entrust them the recovered Ravel and reveal the existence of the King Piece, as well as the corruption that occurred in the Rating Games and the Champions' defection to Qlippoth. After explaining, Ajuka received a call from his personal hotline, informing him that Ophis had been attacked by a Evil Dragon. Returning to the Hyoudou Residence, the members of DxD witnessed Ophis' beaten form, which angered Issei as he exploded with rage after finding out his parents had been kidnapped. Kuroka and Le Fay later returned to the Hyoudou Residence, telling the members of DxD that the Vali Team had located Agreas's location.


Teleporting to Agreas the main force arrived at the west side of the city’s central plaza, with the diversionary unit rampaging to allow the main force to move forward, with Tobio Ikuse moving to support the main force in secret as Azazel began looking for the power generator room. The main force arrived at the Agreas’ Government Office, where their arrival was met by Niðhöggr and a large number of mass-produced Evil Dragons. Issei transformed into his Crimson armor and began to pummel Niðhöggr as Rias urged Issei to use their combination technique as she want to fight against Niðhöggr too. Issei equipped Rias with red Wyverns, which took the form of a Scale Mail-like Dragon Armor; Crimson Extinct Dragonar. Issei and Rias began to overwhelm Niðhöggr with punches and magic, though Niðhöggr healed his wounds with the use of Phoenix Tears. Crom Cruach appeared and attacked Niðhöggr, due to him being the one to injure Ophis. Crom Cruach transformed into his dragon form as he began to easily overpower Niðhöggr, with Niðhöggr crying due to fear. Rias then told Issei and Asia to leave the current fight to the rest of the Occult Research Club and go save Issei's parents as their son and daughter.


Diehauser revealing the King Piece's existence and the corruption in the Rating Games to the entire Underworld

Taking Asia and running up to the top of the Government Office, Issei and Asia witnessed the Champion's live broadcast which revealed the corruption in the Rating Games and the King Piece's existence. Reaching the top, Issei encountered the Champion and Rizevim, telling Rizevim to return his parents. Vali flew into the room, telling Rizevim he was cornered as Rizevim transported Issei's parents to the observation room in order to reveal Issei's identity as a Devil to them.

Issei and Vali teamed up to fight Diehauser and Rizevim, with Issei facing Diehauser and Vali facing Rizevim. Vali tried to punch Rizevim with a aura coated fist but Rizevim counterattacked with a fist imbued with demonic energy, shattering Vali's armor. Issei faced off against the Champion as he used Boost to enhance the power of his fist though Diehauser dodged Issei's fist and touched it, using his Worthless ability to nullify the enhanced aura. Issei continued to attack but all of his attacks were dodged and nullified by Diehauser's Worthless ability. Rizevim urged Diehauser to use the Dragon blood that Rizevim had given him, as he forced Issei to drink it, forcing Issei to dragonify against his will. Rizevim taunted Issei by telling his parents that Issei was a Dragon impostor who had usurped their son's identity as he had intended to break Issei's will by having his parents reject him.

Issei's parents, while initially frightened by Issei's dragonified form were able to tell that Issei was their son due to his habit of apologizing. Issei subconsciously used Pailingual, revealing his parents's feelings of parental love for him as he asked them if he could keep being their child, to which they agreed to as he thanked them. Due to the intense surge of feelings, Issei's Sacred Gear was empowered, as it released a red glow from his armor jewels. Issei charged forward to attack Rizevim, but the Champion would invalidate Issei's attacks as Rizevim would counterattack, though Issei did not give up and kept going due to being strengthened by the feelings for his family. Realizing that Issei was drawing power through the bond with his family, Rizevim attempted to kill them but his attacks were scattered due to Asia's Balance Breaker, Twilight Saint Affection, which she had attained due to her desire to protect her family. Ophis telepathically contacted Issei, telling him that he was satisfied and to sing with her. Issei chanted a forbidden chant, as he unlocked his Diabolos Dragon form. Using it, Issei punched Rizevim, who was shocked that his Sacred Gear Canceller didn't invalidate Issei's power. Ddraig explained that Rizevim's Sacred Gear Canceler was limited and that due to Ophis' power of infinity, Issei was able to overcome the limit of the Sacred Gear Canceler. After observing Issei's state, Rizevim realized that the form was unstable as he tried to use Phoenix Tears to heal himself, though Diehauser revealed that he had invalidated them with his Worthless ability, angering Rizevim. Issei and Rizevim continued to fight as they flew out of the observation room as Rizevim tried to kill Issei with a massive blast of demonic power. Issei used Infinity Blaster to counter attack the blast of demonic power and severely injure Rizevim. Rizevim attempted escape with Vali chasing after him.


Azazel bribing Lilith with sweets

In the power generator room, Azazel attempted to get past Lilith to shut down the power generator. Rizevim arrived and Azazel gloated over Rizevim's defeat, with the two Evil Dragons (Apophis and Aži Dahāka) appearing to announce that they were betraying Rizevim and taking the Holy Grail with them, as they retrieved the Holy Grail from Rizevim's personal subspace as the two teleported away. Vali arrived and transformed into Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, as he convinced Lilith to defect to their side and cut off Rizevim's arm. Before Vali could kill Rizevim, he stopped as he didn't want the pleasure of killing Rizevim without defeating him. Fafnir teleported to their location via Dragon Gate and bit Rizevim to death, killing him.


After Team DxD's victory over Rizevim Livan Lucifer at Agreas, it seemed that Qlippoth was defeated and the release of the 666 (Trihexa) was thwarted. However, a recording of Rizevim revealed in the case of his death, his soul would be used the power source to awaken Trihexa. As Trihexa awakened, the two Evil Dragons, Apophis an Aži Dahāka, issued a challenge to Team DxD as they told Team DxD that they would face other in a fight to the death, with them telling Vali to bring Issei with him, marking the beginning of the Evil Dragon War.

Due to backlash of using his newly awakened Diabolos Dragon form, Issei fell into a coma and was taken to the Serafall Memorial Hospital to be treated.

Diehauser Belial was taken into custody and found guilty of assisting Qlippoth, being sentenced to prison for aiding Rizevim in stealing Agreas.

As a result of the truth of the corruption in the professional Rating Games being revealed to the public, the Great King Faction had lost the trust of the populace as riots broke out in the Underworld


Team DxD[]

Name Information
Occult Research Club Assigned as the main force due to the desire to rescue Issei's parents. Most of the club remained at the central plaza to fight the mass-produced Evil Dragons, while allowing Issei and Asia to go ahead and rescue Issei's parents. Issei fought against Diehauser Belial and was overwhelmed by him, being forced to drink dragon blood. Issei later fought against Rizevim Livan Lucifer, defeating him.
Sona Sitri's Peerage Assigned as the diversionary unit, which would attract the enemy’s attention and then create an opening for the the main force to be able to proceed mostly unopposed.
Vali Team Found the mobile Agreas' location after extensive searching. Originally on standby near Agreas, they joined the main force in repelling the mass-produced Evil Dragons, while Vali confronted Rizevim Livan Lucifer, his grandfather.
Brave Saints Lead by Dulio Gesualdo. Assigned as the diversionary unit, which would attract the enemy’s attention and then create an opening for the the main force to be able to proceed mostly unopposed.
Tobio Ikuse Assisted the main force from the shadows.
Azazel Arrived with the main force and went off to disable the power generation rooms inside Agreas.

Name Information
Crom Cruach A legendary Evil Dragon from the Irish mythology, also know as the Crescent Circle Dragon, who once served the Evil God Balor. Formerly a member of Qlippoth, he left in order to see where Dragons would reach and went to observe Ophis. He joined and assisted the main force, fighting against Niðhöggr, easily overpowering him and eventually killed him.


Name Information
Rizevim Livan Lucifer The leader of Qlippoth and orchestrator of the prior Qlippoth attacks. He fought against his grandson, Vali and later Issei, being overwhelmed by him, as he was forced to flee the battle due to the injuries he sustained. He later had his arm cut off by Vali and was killed by Fafnir.
Niðhöggr A legendary Evil Dragon from the Norse mythology, known as the Abyss Rage Dragon. He was sent to kidnap Ophis, attacking her by using Issei's parents as hostages and targeting the Spectre Dragon egg. He fought against Issei and Rias, being overwhelmed by them though he recovered from his injuries by using Phoenix Tears. He was later forced to fight against Crom Cruach who easily overpowered him and eventually killed him.
Mass-produced Evil Dragons Produced by the Holy Grail, they acted as shock infantry for Qlippoth, fighting against Team DxD. All of the Mass-produced Evil Dragons that were defending Agreas were defeated and killed by members of Team DxD.

Name Information
Diehauser Belial The Emperor, who is the Champion of the Rating Games and the Number 1 among the top ranked Rating Game players. He allied with Qlippoth in order to find out who was responsible for his cousin's death. After uncovering how the Old Devils were responsible for his cousin's death as well as the corruption of the Rating Games and the existence of the King Piece, he exposed it to the entirety of the Underworld. He fought against Issei, overpowering him and forcing him to drink Dragon blood, triggering his dragonification. He later turned against Rizevim, as he revealed that he neutralized all of Rizevim's Phoenix Tears, as he analyzed Riser Phenex's demonic power in order to invalidate all of the Tears that Qlippoth had. He surrendered after Rizevim was defeated, asking about Cleria's appearance in Heaven, bursting into tears after Issei said that she had a gentle expression.




High School DxD
Before The Red Dragon Emperor's Awakening Devil Civil WarCleria Belial incident at Kuoh TownInner Himejima Clan massacreNekomata incident in the UnderworldHoly Sword Project
The Red Dragon Emperor's Awakening Raynare's abduction attempt of Asia ArgentoRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team RiserIssei Hyoudou's interference in the Gremory-Phenex engagement
Birth of the Breast Dragon Emperor Kokabiel's attack on Kuoh TownKhaos Brigade's attack on the Three Factions' peace conferenceVali Team's infiltration at the Youth Devil GatheringRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team SitriOld Satan Faction's attack on the Youth Devil Rating Game TournamentRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team Astaroth
The Heroic Oppai Dragon Loki's attack on the Three FactionsTrials of ConnectionThree Factions' Sports DayHero Faction's attack on KyotoRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team BaelDemonic Beast Riot
The Legend of Oppai Dragon and his Lively Companions Nilrem's attack on Kuoh TownVampire Civil WarQlippoth's attack on Auros AcademyQlippoth's invasion of HeavenExorcist RebellionTeam DxD's attack on Qlippoth-controlled AgreasEvil Dragon War
Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth × White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star: The True Dragon(s) of the Kuoh Academy Azazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team LightningAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Trump Card of HeavenAzazel Cup: Team Imperial Purpure vs Team Spear of the Heavenly EmperorAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Sona SitriAzazel Cup: Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star vs Team Rias GremoryGrim Reaper attack on Fafnir StadiumAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Leisure of the KingsNyx's abduction attempt of Ingvild LeviathanAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Rias GremoryErebus' attack on KyotoAzazel Cup: Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star vs Team Journey to the WestHell Disaster
Rating Games
Rating Games Rating Game: Team Gremory vs Team RiserRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team SitriRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team AstarothRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team BaelRating Game: Team Gremory vs Team Riser Rematch
Azazel Cup
Preliminary Round Azazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team LightningAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Trump Card of HeavenAzazel Cup: Team Imperial Purpure vs Team Spear of the Heavenly EmperorAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Sona SitriAzazel Cup: Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star vs Team Rias GremoryAzazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Leisure of the Kings
Main Stage (Top 16) Azazel Cup: Team Red Dragon Emperor of the Blazing Truth vs Team Rias GremoryAzazel Cup: Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star vs Team Journey to the West