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Senjutsu is a rare technique, which only the previous Sennin and high-level Youkai were able to learn.


Rias explained that senjutsu is different from magic and sorcery with the biggest difference is that it stresses the importance of Chakra (チャクラ), their Aura (オーラ), the great original power that flows in one's spirit, i.e. their life-force and turning it into a constant current. Senjutsu is a power that is similar yet different from the magic of Devils and light of Angels. Despite it being incapable of matching the direct destructive power of magic or light, senjutsu makes use of the unknown parts hidden in plants, animals, and people.

For example, if one learned senjutsu, it is stated that they excel at reading the flow of someone's aura, thus letting them grasp their movements from a far distance to a certain degree.[1]


Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy or ki (気) in living beings. Using it, one can strengthen both their internal and external bodies or even cause vegetation around them to bloom or wither. Senjutsu users are able to sense the ki and auras of others thus letting them track targets from far away distances.[1] It can be used to see through illusions by detecting the flow of the spirit or ki of others.[2]

Senjutsu is also capable of dealing interior damage to others by targeting their blood vessels and internal organs, and through disrupting the ki of their opponent's ki or severing it, it is possible to cause direct damage to their spirit and life-force and using this as an attack could result in killing their opponent.[3] As such, there are very few ways to defend against Senjutsu. Senjutsu can be used to disrupt the aura of others, thereby preventing them from using their abilities. [4] Senjutsu is also capable of forcefully putting others to sleep.[5] By controlling the ki of others, Senjutsu can be used to extract curses and poisons from their bodies.[6] Senjutsu can also be used to hide one's presence and avoid detection.[7]

Senjutsu also has healing capabilities that are effective for either one's physical or mental condition, relieving any fatigue and restoring one's lifespan, however, this method requires physical contact. Koneko states Bouchujutsu (房中術, Bedroom Method) is the best and fastest method of using the healing abilities of senjutsu, Koneko has explained this method is whenever a woman who specializes in using ki shares her ki with the man and heals their life-force to a greater extent.[8] Senjutsu can also be used to increase the luck of others by controlling the flow of their ki.[9]

Issei elaborates that Kuroka used senjutsu to tell he was a virgin after licking his cheek, however, it is unknown if she was serious or if she was just teasing him.[10]

Senjutsu users also have the power to use Touki, and use it to enhance their strength, speed, and toughness.[4] [11]

As a technique that deals in the understanding of nature, people such as Kuroka, as been shown as being capable of manipulating things related to it, such as mud, earth, and plants.


According to Koneko, Senjutsu has a fatal flaw, as while it lets the user read and handle spirit power, it could also take in the malice and ill will that flows in the world, potentially corrupting the user as had seemingly happened to Kuroka.[3] However, during Volume 11, Kuroka explained that her actions were done out of protectiveness towards her sister, not out of corruption. Though Kuroka states that if an inexperienced Koneko attempted to use Senjutsu carelessly, she would have gone berserk, which was the main reason why Kuroka killed their master.


According to Kuroka, the basics of learning and developing this, is to understand yourself, others, and nature's ki, through focusing one's mind in a zazen posture, quietly releasing their ki, and sensing the natural ki.[12]



Koneko using Kasha

To use Senjutsu, users commonly concentrate their life force around the hand and use it to attack the opponent. The method to attack using Senjutsu may be in the form of hand-to-hand combat or blasting the power towards the opponent.


Kasha (火車, Burning Chariot) is an ability exclusive to that of Nekomata, which allows them to create and control flame wheels of varied colors said to lure the dead to the other world. People have described Kasha as being another form of Nekomata. It is unknown whether or not Kasha is apart of Senjutsu or Youjutsu, but a skilled enough user can add the power of purification onto it, which purifies creatures of darkness, such as Vampires.[13]


Among Senjutsu, there is a technique that allows the user to make themselves grow much older through various methods for a temporary amount of time. Koneko Toujou, who heard about it from her older sister, Kuroka by gathering natural Ki, which made her grow around the same age as her, achieving a state where she's granted full access to her Nekomata powers.


  • In the Notes and References of Light Novel Volume 5, Senjutsu was described as being a magic more related to the body. Its literal translation is "Wizardry" and the "Secret of Immortality" as the last of the Sennin could use this to immensely increase their lifespan.
    • Chakra means "Wheel", which references the Hindu and Buddhist belief that there are seven different focal points for spiritual power inside of the Subtle body. Inside the same volume, the main purpose of the usage of senjutsu is turning one's chakra, the great original power inside the spirit, into a constant current similar to the seven chakra points all rotating in either direction.
    • Bouchujutsu is reference to a Taoist practice, where men and women harmonize with one another in the act of having sex.
  • Senjutsu in Highschool DxD are based on ancient Neigong and modern Qigong of China as well as Pranayama of India which are commonly practised by ancient spiritual hermits for the purpose of harnessing and cultivating their life force energy which are known by many terms, Chi in Chinese, Ki in Japanese and Prana in India. In particular Taoist Qigong which emphasized cultivating life energy for enhanced longevity, spiritual enlightenment and deeper connection to nature.
  • The combat applications of Senjutsu in Highschool DxD are also based on martial arts application of Neigong and Qigong in real life which is practised by focusing on Ki development to be an important source of physical/spiritual power as well as the foundation of the internal style of martial arts like Wudang Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan and Xingyi Quan for gaining a Ki enhanced body and physical abilities for fighting such as superior strength, speed and durability similar to the usage of the Senjutsu technique Touki


