High School DxD Wiki
High School DxD Wiki
From here on out, I will start a war! I will take your heads as a gift! Even if it’s only me, I will continue from where we left off! I’m going to show Sirzechs and Michael that we, the Fallen Angels, are the ultimate beings!

– Kokabiel revealing his intentions to the Occult Research Club in Volume 3, Life 4


Kokabiel is one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels and Grigori until his betrayal. He is the main antagonist in Volume 3 of the light novels.


Kokabiel has the appearance of a tall, pale man with long black hair and narrow, blood red eyes. Unlike other Fallen Angels, Kokabiel has pointy, elf-like ears. Kokabiel possesses five pairs of black wings, though one of them was ripped off by Vali when he was sent to retrieve the Fallen Angel.

He wears a black robe with detailed accessories and purple shoulder pads with gold streaks on the side.


Kokabiel vehemently believes that the Fallen Angels are the strongest race and strives to prove it by any means necessary. In Volume 4, Sirzechs mentioned that Kokabiel enjoys war and bloodshed, compared to Azazel who enjoys peace and advancement. To that end, he wanted to start another Great War but faces strong objection from Azazel. As such, he has a strong hatred towards Azazel, believing that he is defiling the Fallen Angels' culture and reputation by performing Sacred Gear research and allowing humans with Sacred Gears to join Grigori. He is also shown to be highly arrogant and boasts a great deal of confidence in his power, as seen when he actually told and waited for Issei to boost his power to his limit and transfer it to Rias because that was the only way they would be able to hurt him.


Originally an Angel from Fifth Heaven, Kokabiel is one of the leaders of Grigori and one of the few Fallen Angels that survived the Great War. Unlike the other leaders of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel desired to continue the war but faced strong opposition from Azazel and Shemhazai which eventually resulted in his betrayal and rebellion.

During the Second World War, Kokabiel fought against Vasco Strada, the former wielder of Durandal, and was eventually cornered by the latter.


Birth of the Breast Dragon Emperor[]

He and his followers, Freed Sellzen and Valper Galilei, stole three of the seven Excaliburs from the Church in hopes of starting another Great War. When Michael sent only two exorcists, Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta, to Japan to retrieve the stolen Excaliburs, he turned his attention to the Kuoh Academy that both the Gremory and Sitri Clan attend. He hoped that by killing them, he would be able to initiate a second Great War.

During his attack on Kuoh Academy, Kokabiel was able to overwhelm and defeat Rias and her Peerage with ease but lost to Vali Lucifer who came to stop him under Azazel's orders. After his defeat at the hands of Vali, he is sealed in the deepest part of the Underworld – Cocytus, by Azazel.

Powers & Abilities[]

Kokabiel's Light Swords

Kokabiel's Light Swords.

Immense Light Power: As a Fallen Angel, Kokabiel has the ability to use Light Power to create various effects. As one of the Cadre, his Light Powers are superior to that of other lower-ranked Fallen Angels.

  • Light-Based Weapons: Kokabiel is very proficient in using his light-based weapons, being able to create Light Swords and spears that are larger than Kuoh Academy itself.
Kokabiel Overwhelms

Kokabiel overwhelms his enemies.

Immense Strength: As a Cadre of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel can create weapons of light with ease, and likely wields power equivalent to a Satan-Class Devil. This was shown when Kokabiel was able to easily overwhelm the Occult Research Club alone and Azazel stated that at that time Kokabiel was so strong that Issei was incapable of defeating him, no matter how many times he boosted his power with Boosted Gear. When he fought Vali Lucifer during the latter's retrieval of him, Vali noted that his power after being divided three times by Divine Dividing is now that of a mid-class Fallen Angel, indicating that Kokabiel is eight times stronger than one.

Immense Durability: Kokabiel was able to take Rias' attack that was boosted many times by Issei's Boosted Gear with only slight burns.

Steel Feathers: He can also fire the feathers of his wings as projectiles to pierce his opponents with the feathers being as hard as steel. He is also capable of using his wings for both offense and defense, as shown when he fought the Occult Research Club.

Kokabiel Circle 1

Kokabiel's Magic Circle.

Magic: Kokabiel possesses some skill in Magic.

  • Summoning Magic: Kokabiel was able to summon a few Cerberus from the Underworld for the Occult Research Club to fight against before joining the battle himself.

Master Swordsman: Kokabiel has shown that he is also skilled in swordsmanship, being able to fend off both Yuuto and Xenovia at the same time with just his light swords while Yuuto wielded his Balance Breaker, the Sword of Betrayer, which is a Holy Demonic Sword, and Xenovia wielding Durandal, a Holy Sword said to have power on par with Excalibur.

Flight: Being a Fallen Angel, Kokabiel can fly using his wings.


  • Kokabiel's name translates to "star of God".
  • Kokabiel is considered the 'angel of the stars' and is the fourth mentioned leader of the 20 Watcher leaders of the 200 fallen angels in the Book of Enoch, who taught astrology to his associates.
  • He is considered a holy angel in The Book of the Angel Raizel but in other apocryphal lore, is generally considered to be a fallen angel and is said to command an army of 365,000 spirits.


High School DxD
Team D×D
Issei Hyoudou's Peerage Issei HyoudouIngvild LeviathanAsia ArgentoXenovia QuartaRavel PhenexRossweisseBennia Orcus
Rias Gremory's Peerage Rias GremoryAkeno HimejimaIssei HyoudouYuuto KibaKoneko ToujouGasper VladiLoup Garou
Sona Sitri's Peerage Sona SitriTsubaki ShinraGenshirou SajiTsubasa YuraTomoe MeguriMomo HanakaiReya Kusaka
Xenovia Quarta's Peerage Xenovia QuartaRuruko Nimura
Vali Team Vali LuciferBikouKurokaFenrirArthur PendragonLe Fay PendragonGogmagog
Sairaorg Bael's Peerage Sairaorg BaelKuisha AbaddonCoriana AndrealphusMisteeta SabnockLiban CrocellBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamLadora BunéRegulus
Hero Faction Cao CaoGeorgJeanneHeraclesConnlaPerseusMarsilio
Slash/Dog Team Tobio IkuseLavinia ReniNatsume MinagawaKouki SamejimaShigune Nanadaru
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina Shidou
Seekvaira Agares' Peerage Seekvaira AgaresAlivianBafeel Furcas
Journey to the West Team Sun WukongZhu BajieSha Wujing
Dragons DdraigAlbionFafnirVritraYu-Long
Four Great Satans Sirzechs LuciferSerafall LeviathanAjuka BeelzebubFalbium Asmodeus
72 Pillars Riser PhenexLord PhenexZeoticus GremorySairaorg BaelMagdaran BaelMisla BaelSeekvaira AgaresMisteeta SabnockCoriana AndrealphusLiban CrocellLady PhenexDiodora AstarothVenelana GremoryZephyrdor Glasya-LabolasDiehauser BelialLadora BunéMillicas GremoryBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamRuval PhenexZekram BaelNaud GamiginLilitifa VeparGragg ForneusEneely VassagoIolava AmonCleria BelialSectaas BarbatosVeves FurfurBafeel FurcasLatia AstarothIryuka Glasya-LabolasAvi Amon
Extra Demons Grayfia LucifugeEuclid LucifugeKuisha AbaddonBedeze AbaddonMephisto PhelesRoygun Belphegor
Reincarnated Devils EnkuViserRegulusTanninSouji OkitaSurtr SecondMacGregor MathersBeowulfIsabelaIle and NelKarlamineMiraSirisXuelanYubellunaBülentMarionRudiger Rosenkreutz
Satan Clans LuciferLilithBeelzebubLeviathanAsmodeusRizevim Livan LuciferBidleid Bashalun BeelzebubTsufaame Tereaku LeviathanDamaidosu Zereikel AsmodeusRazevan LuciferVali LuciferIngvild LeviathanShalba BeelzebubKaterea LeviathanCreuserey Asmodeus
New Devils BalberithVerrineGressilSonneillon
Other Devils Lirenkus
Fallen Angels
Grigori AzazelShemhazaiBaraqielKokabielArmarosSaharielTamielBenemune
Raynare's Group RaynareDohnaseekKalawarnaMittelt
Four Great Seraphs MichaelGabrielUrielRaphael
Ten Seraphs Metatron
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina ShidouDiethelm WaldseemüllerKiyotora ShinraNero RaimondiMirana ShatarovaRyuu HeikanJessica LagerkvistCaesar VilliersLint Sellzen
Gods and Buddhas
Christianity God God of the Bible
Norse Gods OdinVidarLokiThorFreyrHelBaldurGnaFullaHlin
Greek Gods ZeusPoseidonHadesApollonArtemisErebusNyxTartarusChronosHypnosOneirosEros
Hindu Gods IndraShivaBrahmaVishnuPrahladaVirochanaMahabaliVarunaGaneshaHanuman
Celtic Gods BalorLugh
Persian Gods Angra MainyuAka Manah
E×E Gods Chimune ChipaotiRegalzeva
True Dragon Great Red
Dragon God OphisLilith
Two Heavenly Dragons DdraigAlbion
Five Great Dragon Kings Yu-LongTiamatVritraMidgardsormrFafnir
Evil Dragons GrendelCrom CruachAži DahākaLadonYamata no OrochiApophisNiðhöggrAnselmusCyrilGregoriosSimeonAži Dahāka IIFake DdraigFake Albion
Other Dragons RasseiSamaelIssei HyoudouTanninBova TanninBlizzard DragonSprite DragonEarth DragonSpectre Dragons
Kuoh Academy Students Zekka MiyamotoLilebette D'Artagnan LunaireAika KiryuuYukihiko HoderiKiyome AbeMatsudaMotohamaMurayamaKataseHaseTadami KamoTadami KamoKyuji EnnoMai KazamatsuriRyuuji TsuchidaMai KazamatsuriMasato Mizuhashi
Five Principal Clans Suzaku HimejimaShuri HimejimaSuou HimejimaAkeno HimejimaTobio IkuseOuryuu NakiriNakagami NakiriMomiji NakiriGenbu DoumonSeiryuu Kushihashi
Cross Times Kiss Mitsuya KanzakiShizuka Kirino
Magicians Shooting StarMeredith OrdintonMil-tanElaine WestcottWalburga
Exorcists Vasco StradaEwald CristaldiTouji ShidouMasaomi YaegakiTeodoro LegrenziSiegfried
Other Humans Gorou HyoudouMiki HyoudouUther PendragonMagnus RoseLeonardoBelzardElshaValper GalileiFreed Sellzen
Other Characters
Youkais YasakaKunouNurarihyonMagariSha WujingZhu BajieFujimaiSalamander Tomita
Vampires Elmenhilde KarnsteinValerie TepesMarius TepesLord VladiMillarca Vordenburg
Grim Reapers PlutoBenniaOrcusPluto IIThanatosZeno
Valkyries GöndulRossweisseBrynhildrSchwertleiteHelmwigeOrtlindeGrimgerdeSchwertleite
Evies RugatimuHaz IlyusBebevu SuGvardora
Other Species Ryuuteimaru666 (Trihexa)TyphonSurtr