The Blog Policies are designed to give regulations to High School DxD Wiki's blogs.
General Guidelines[]
- Blogs must be on-topic - This means they must discuss something related to this site or High School DxD in general.
- Other Series - No blog on this site should be solely centered around other series. This is the High School DxD Wiki about the High School DxD series. If you wish to mention other series, that's fine, but it shouldn't be the sole purpose of your blog.
- Keep it civil - Civility is expected to be maintained in all blog posts and comments. Blogs are not to be used to make a point or make personal attacks against users.
- Offensive Behavior - Your blog should never include anything that can be considered racist, religiously intolerant or offensive, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, etc. If it does, the offenders blog will be deleted immediately and the offender will be warned by an Administrator.
- No objectionable material - No gratuitous foul language or content of a sexual nature will be permitted.
- Spamming - Do not write a lot of nonsense as your blog's content like random letters or repeated sentences.
- Blank Blogs - No blog should be published if it does not have some content!
- Advertising - No blog on this site should be advertising products for sale. You may advertise another wiki or a fanon series that you wish to draw attention to, but you may not advertise anything with monetary value.
- Random Information - No blog on this site should just copy and paste random information from articles, Wikipedia or any other site for that matter with no purpose.
Blog posts failing to follow the above rules will be deleted and the user will be warned and/or blocked at an administrator's discretion.
If your blog is deleted and you believe it does not violate any of the above policies, then please contact any of our admins, and they will review your claim.