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High School DxD Wiki

Fenrir is a member of the Vali Team previously affiliated with the Khaos Brigade. He is a wolf that possesses giant fangs that can kill a God, Satan, and even a legendary Dragon. He was created by Loki, making him the brother of both Midgardsormr and Hel. He is also the father of Sköll and Hati.


Fenrir has the appearance of a giant wolf with ash grey fur, standing at about 10 meters tall. In Volume 11, his size has drastically decreased.

In the anime, Fenrir's fur was a greyish blue and he had two large yellow horns coming out of his shoulders.


Following his first appearance, Fenrir has been shown to be extremely loyal to his father and creator, Loki. After being subjugated by Excalibur Ruler & having his loyalty switched from Loki to Vali, Fenrir developed his own instinct, as well as gaining a strong attachment towards Le Fay Pendragon.

In the short-story "Wolf's Emblem", he was the narrative voice and it was shown that he possessed self-awareness and human-like intelligence, though his way of thought was different than a normal human's. Even more so, he has a stronger sense of pride, having very high standards and low tolerance for those who are incompetent. He also has his own view of hierarchy within the Vali Team, in which he ranks Kuroka and Bikou at the bottom.

Despite being known as the God-Devouring Wolf, the only Norse God he fears is Vidar.


Fenrir is one of the sons created by the Evil God, Loki, being his greatest masterpiece, as well as being the older brother of one of the Five Dragon Kings, Midgardsormr, known as the Midgard Serpent.

Fenrir is considered to be one of the most dangerous beasts having power that rivals the Two Heavenly Dragons, and is nicknamed the God-Devouring Wolf. At one point, he mated with a Giantess who was transformed into a wolf by his father and had 2 sons: Sköll and Hati.

Powers & Abilities[]

God Slayer: Fenrir's strongest and most infamous attribute, a forbidden technique in his fangs and claws, which can deal critical damage to powerful beings, such as Gods.

Immense Strength: Fenrir is regarded as far more dangerous than his father Loki, an Evil God, and he is considered on par with the Heavenly Dragons before they were sealed. He was able to claw through Issei's Scale Mail with contemptuous ease, tear apart spatial distortions created by Vali's Half-Dimension with his jaws, easily overpower Tannin, a former Dragon King, and even Vali in his Juggernaut Drive was unable to defeat him on his own. In fact, before losing most of his power, he was among the "Top 10 Strongest Beings in the World", and was implied to occupy the number 10 position. Later, after he was weakened, he was stated to be comparable to or weaker than Typhon, although that contradicts his earlier stated level of power, with Ddraig, who he should be on par with, having proven his strength was superior to Typhon's.[1][2] During the match against "Team Rias Gremory", it is revealed that Fenrir can transform back into his larger form, in which he can supposedly use 80% of his original strength.

Immense Durability: Fenrir is extremely durable, able to fully take on the attacks of the Gremory Team, Vali Team, and Tannin without injury. Even after being bombarded by Rias Gremory in her Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess form, he was able to continue to fight against her without any problems despite his injuries.

Immense Speed: Fenrir is able to move at god-like speeds, making him extremely dangerous when attacking with his fangs and claws. He was capable of easily dodging Rias Gremory's and Gasper Vladi's attacks.

Enhanced Senses: Fenrir possesses incredible senses, as he can sense the expressions and emotions of his comrades in the Vali Team with incredible accuracy. He was able to detect Valerie Tepes, even though she was hidden in a building some distance away.


  • The kanji for his namesake reads as Kamijiki Ōkami (神喰狼).
  • In Norse Mythology, he is the first son of Loki and Angrboða, and the older brother of Midgardsormr, and Hel, and the half-brother of Sleipnir.


  1. Light Novel Volume 13, Afterword
  2. Light Novel Volume 25, Life 2, Part 1


High School DxD
Team D×D
Issei Hyoudou's Peerage Issei HyoudouIngvild LeviathanAsia ArgentoXenovia QuartaRavel PhenexRossweisseBennia Orcus
Rias Gremory's Peerage Rias GremoryAkeno HimejimaIssei HyoudouYuuto KibaKoneko ToujouGasper VladiLoup Garou
Sona Sitri's Peerage Sona SitriTsubaki ShinraGenshirou SajiTsubasa YuraTomoe MeguriMomo HanakaiReya Kusaka
Xenovia Quarta's Peerage Xenovia QuartaRuruko Nimura
Vali Team Vali LuciferBikouKurokaFenrirArthur PendragonLe Fay PendragonGogmagog
Sairaorg Bael's Peerage Sairaorg BaelKuisha AbaddonCoriana AndrealphusMisteeta SabnockLiban CrocellBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamLadora BunéRegulus
Hero Faction Cao CaoGeorgJeanneHeraclesConnlaPerseusMarsilio
Slash/Dog Team Tobio IkuseLavinia ReniNatsume MinagawaKouki SamejimaShigune Nanadaru
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina Shidou
Seekvaira Agares' Peerage Seekvaira AgaresAlivianBafeel Furcas
Journey to the West Team Sun WukongZhu BajieSha Wujing
Dragons DdraigAlbionFafnirVritraYu-Long
Four Great Satans Sirzechs LuciferSerafall LeviathanAjuka BeelzebubFalbium Asmodeus
72 Pillars Riser PhenexLord PhenexZeoticus GremorySairaorg BaelMagdaran BaelMisla BaelSeekvaira AgaresMisteeta SabnockCoriana AndrealphusLiban CrocellLady PhenexDiodora AstarothVenelana GremoryZephyrdor Glasya-LabolasDiehauser BelialLadora BunéMillicas GremoryBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamRuval PhenexZekram BaelNaud GamiginLilitifa VeparGragg ForneusEneely VassagoIolava AmonCleria BelialSectaas BarbatosVeves FurfurBafeel FurcasLatia AstarothIryuka Glasya-LabolasAvi Amon
Extra Demons Grayfia LucifugeEuclid LucifugeKuisha AbaddonBedeze AbaddonMephisto PhelesRoygun Belphegor
Reincarnated Devils EnkuViserRegulusTanninSouji OkitaSurtr SecondMacGregor MathersBeowulfIsabelaIle and NelKarlamineMiraSirisXuelanYubellunaBülentMarionRudiger Rosenkreutz
Satan Clans LuciferLilithBeelzebubLeviathanAsmodeusRizevim Livan LuciferBidleid Bashalun BeelzebubTsufaame Tereaku LeviathanDamaidosu Zereikel AsmodeusRazevan LuciferVali LuciferIngvild LeviathanShalba BeelzebubKaterea LeviathanCreuserey Asmodeus
New Devils BalberithVerrineGressilSonneillon
Other Devils Lirenkus
Fallen Angels
Grigori AzazelShemhazaiBaraqielKokabielArmarosSaharielTamielBenemune
Raynare's Group RaynareDohnaseekKalawarnaMittelt
Four Great Seraphs MichaelGabrielUrielRaphael
Ten Seraphs Metatron
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina ShidouDiethelm WaldseemüllerKiyotora ShinraNero RaimondiMirana ShatarovaRyuu HeikanJessica LagerkvistCaesar VilliersLint Sellzen
Gods and Buddhas
Christianity God God of the Bible
Norse Gods OdinVidarLokiThorFreyrHelBaldurGnaFullaHlin
Greek Gods ZeusPoseidonHadesApollonArtemisErebusNyxTartarusChronosHypnosOneirosEros
Hindu Gods IndraShivaBrahmaVishnuPrahladaVirochanaMahabaliVarunaGaneshaHanuman
Celtic Gods BalorLugh
Persian Gods Angra MainyuAka Manah
E×E Gods Chimune ChipaotiRegalzeva
True Dragon Great Red
Dragon God OphisLilith
Two Heavenly Dragons DdraigAlbion
Five Great Dragon Kings Yu-LongTiamatVritraMidgardsormrFafnir
Evil Dragons GrendelCrom CruachAži DahākaLadonYamata no OrochiApophisNiðhöggrAnselmusCyrilGregoriosSimeonAži Dahāka IIFake DdraigFake Albion
Other Dragons RasseiSamaelIssei HyoudouTanninBova TanninBlizzard DragonSprite DragonEarth DragonSpectre Dragons
Kuoh Academy Students Zekka MiyamotoLilebette D'Artagnan LunaireAika KiryuuYukihiko HoderiKiyome AbeMatsudaMotohamaMurayamaKataseHaseTadami KamoTadami KamoKyuji EnnoMai KazamatsuriRyuuji TsuchidaMai KazamatsuriMasato Mizuhashi
Five Principal Clans Suzaku HimejimaShuri HimejimaSuou HimejimaAkeno HimejimaTobio IkuseOuryuu NakiriNakagami NakiriMomiji NakiriGenbu DoumonSeiryuu Kushihashi
Cross Times Kiss Mitsuya KanzakiShizuka Kirino
Magicians Shooting StarMeredith OrdintonMil-tanElaine WestcottWalburga
Exorcists Vasco StradaEwald CristaldiTouji ShidouMasaomi YaegakiTeodoro LegrenziSiegfried
Other Humans Gorou HyoudouMiki HyoudouUther PendragonMagnus RoseLeonardoBelzardElshaValper GalileiFreed Sellzen
Other Characters
Youkais YasakaKunouNurarihyonMagariSha WujingZhu BajieFujimaiSalamander Tomita
Vampires Elmenhilde KarnsteinValerie TepesMarius TepesLord VladiMillarca Vordenburg
Grim Reapers PlutoBenniaOrcusPluto IIThanatosZeno
Valkyries GöndulRossweisseBrynhildrSchwertleiteHelmwigeOrtlindeGrimgerdeSchwertleite
Evies RugatimuHaz IlyusBebevu SuGvardora
Other Species Ryuuteimaru666 (Trihexa)TyphonSurtr