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Divine Dividing (白龍皇の光翼(ディバイン・ディバイディング), Dibain Dibaidingu), also known as the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings (白龍皇の光翼, Hakuryūkō no Kōyoku), is a Sacred Gear, and one of the eighteen Longinus, wielded by Vali Lucifer of the Vali Team. It has the spirit of the Vanishing Dragon, Albion, sealed inside it.


In the past, Albion fought against his arch-rival, the Welsh Dragon, Ddraig, in an intense battle which was interrupted by the Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels, who were at war during the time. In anger, both Dragons attacked the leaders of the Three Factions, which led to their bodies being destroyed and their souls being sealed into two separate Sacred Gears, with Albion being moved into the Sacred Gear Divine Dividing.[1]

In the Light Novels, like the Boosted Gear, it is revealed that when a host of the Divine Dividing dies, their memories are zombified and stored inside the Divine Dividing.

In Volume 12, all the past possessors' consciousness were dominated and sealed by Vali, allowing him to use the Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive against Pluto.[2]

In Volume 21, Albion unlocked the power of Reflect, which allows the user to safely redirect oncoming attacks.[3]

During his deathmatch against Aži Dahaka, Vali was able to unlock the strongest of Albion's original powers called Reduce.[3]


Divine Dividing takes the form of a pair of white Dragon wings on the user's back, with eight energy "feathers".



Vali in Balance Breaker activating "Divide".

The Divine Dividing has the ability to Divide (ディバイド, Dibaido) the power of its opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds.[4] The halved powers are then added to his/her own powers.[4] If the added power exceeds the amount that the wielder can safely contain, the excess energy is then expelled out through the wings, which allows the user to always be at their highest potential.[5] It can also repeatedly reduce the power of attacks in half.[4] [6]

In Volume 10, a previous user of the Divine Dividing was able to halve the negative emotions of the previous possessors of the Boosted Gear.[7]

In Volume 21, Albion unlocked the power of Reflect (リフレクト, Rifurekuto), which allows the user to safely redirect oncoming attacks.[3]

During his deathmatch against Aži Dahaka, Vali was able to unlock the strongest of Albion's original powers called Reduce (減少, Genshō), which releases a special type of poison that can destroy the body and soul. However, it is ineffective against inorganic things.[3]

As a pair of wings, it also enables the user flight that can reach up to light-speed.[4]


With Albion sealed within the Divine Dividing, its possessors become vulnerable to Dragon-Slaying Magic, swords and curses as if they themselves were Dragons.[5] The continuous use of the Divine Dividing's Divide ability will drain the wielder's stamina to a significant degree. If the user has no way of expelling the excess stored power, they will be forced to endure the strain of carrying the excess power and it can stop Scale Mail from functioning temporarily.[5]


  • Divide (ディバイド, Dibaido): Halves the opponent's power and adds it to the user. This call is announced every 10 seconds. In Balance Breaker mode, this call is announced repeatedly until the user reaches his/her limit.
  • Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker (バニシング・ドラゴン・バランス・ブレイカー, Banishingu Doragon Baransu Bureikā): Activates the Scale Mail armor, Divine Dividing Scale Mail.
  • Half Dimension (ハーフ ディメンション, Hāfu Dimenshon): Halves the size of objects and living beings around the user.[5]
  • Juggernaut Drive (ジャガーノート・ドライヴ, Jagānōto Doraivu): Activates Juggernaut Drive.
  • Juggernaut Over Drive (ジャガーノート ・オーバ ・ードライブ, Jagānōto Ōba ̄Doraibu): Activates Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive.
  • Compression Divider (コンプレッション ディバイダー, Konpuresshon Dibaidā): Used while in Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive. A more powerful version of Half Dimension. It halves a specific target continuously until they vanish from existence.[2]
  • Reflect (リフレクト, Rifurekuto): A skill that was unlocked by Vali in Volume 21, which is one of the original abilities belonging to Albion. It has the ability to reflect all attacks.[3]
  • Dragon Lucifer Drive (ドラゴン・ルシファー・ドライブ, Doragon Rushifā Doraibu): Actives Diabolos Dragon Lucifer.
  • Lucifer (ルシファー, Rushifā): Signals that Vali is about to release stored up energy. This call is sometimes shortened to "L".
  • Venom (ヴェノム, Vu~enomu): The wyverns begin to release Albion's Reduce (減少, Genshō) poison, which has the ability to destroy the body and soul and affects even Gods. The only beings to be immune to this skill are Ddraig, Great Red and Ophis.[3]
  • Satan Compression Divider (サタン・コンプレッション・ディバイダー, Satan Konpuresshon Dibaidā): Used while in Diabolos Dragon Lucifer. An enhanced version of Compression Divider, Vali releases a burst of silvery-white and jet-black streams of demonic radiance that instantly compressed anything caught in it over and over again, until eventually eliminated.[3]
  • Satan Lucifer Smasher (サタン・ルシファー・スマッシャー, Satan Rushifā Sumasshā): An enhanced version of Longinus Smasher, the armor opens from the abdomen and fires a massive bombardment of silvery-white and jet-black aura.


Light Wings[]

Divine Dividing in the Sky

Divine Dividing Light Wings.

Divine Dividing Light Wings is the initial form of Divine Dividing in which the user has the ability to Divide (ディバイド, Dibaido) the power of their opponents by half after coming into physical contact with them every 10 seconds. The halved powers are then added to his/her own powers.[4] The wings also provide the user with the ability to fly.

In Volume 11, Vali later acquired the ability to use Half Dimension (ハーフ ディメンション, Hāfu Dimenshon); which could previously only be used in Balance Breaker, just through the power of his wings.[8]

Divine Dividing: Scale Mail[]

Vali going into Balance Breaker Divine Divding Scale Mail

Vali activating Balance Breaker.

Divine Dividing: Scale Mail (白龍皇の鎧(ディバイン・ディバイディング・スケイルメイル), Dibain Dibaidingu: Sukeiru Meiru): Also known as the Armor of the White Dragon Emperor (白龍皇の鎧, Hakuryūkō no Yoroi), is the Balance Breaker of Divine Dividing, which creates a White Dragon Armor with blue jewels that covers the user's body and strengthens the users powers and abilities. When active, the user is able to absorb power without the 10 second limit, this also applies to later forms. Divine Dividing can also halve the size of objects and living beings through the use of Half Dimension, this ability does not require the user to make contact with the target.[5] The Scale Mail also allows its user to survive in the Dimensional Gap.[9]

Juggernaut Drive[]

Vali enters Juggernaut Drive

Vali activating Juggernaut Drive.

Juggernaut Drive (覇龍(ジャガーノート・ドライヴ), Jagānōto Doraivu): Also known as the Dragon of Supremacy (覇龍, Haryū), like the Boosted Gear, Divine Dividing also has access to this form. Prior to the series, Vali had already attained this form, which he attempted to use in Volume 4 and was first displayed in Volume 7. This form releases the full power of the Vanishing Dragon which would normally cause the user to lose their sanity while having their lifespan being devoured by the power, but Vali is able to avoid that by using his large amounts of demonic powers as a substitute to his life force.[10] Vali has trained extensively to stay sane during the process but he's able to use the Juggernaut Drive for brief periods of time.

Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive[]

Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive (白銀の極覇龍(エンピレオ・ジャガーノート・オーバードライブ), Enpireo Jagānōto Ōbādoraibu), also known as the Silver Dragon of the Highest Supremacy (白銀の極覇龍, Shirogane no Gokuharyū), is a new form that Vali attained in Volume 12 that changes the color of his Scale Mail armor to silver. Like the Boosted Gear's Cardinal Crimson Promotion, it does not consume his life. It has access to the Compression Divider, an enhanced version of Half Dimension, that compresses the body of a specific opponent until they vanish.[2]

Like the Juggernaut Drive, it requires a special chant to activate. The chant goes as follows.

I, who is about to awaken,
Am the White Dragon Emperor who will take the law down to the darkness.
I walk the road of domination with infinite destruction and by piercing through the imaginary dream.
I shall become a pure Emperor of White Dragon
And I shall have you obey the silvery-white illusions and the perfect evil ways!


Ware, mezameru wa
Ritsu no zettai o yami ni duou to su Hakuryukou nari
Mugen no hametsu to reimei no yume o ugachi te hadou o yuku
Waga, muku naru ryu no koutei to nari te
Nanji o hakugin no gensou to madou no kyokuchi e to shitagaeyo u

After which, Divine Dividing announces "Juggernaut Over Drive!"

Diabolos Dragon[]

Diabolos Dragon Lucifer

Diabolos Dragon Lucifer.

Diabolos Dragon (D×D(ディアボロス・ドラゴン), Diaborosu Doragon) is the new form that Vali obtains in Volume 21, by combining Albion's power with Vali's power as a descendant of the original Lucifer with Ophis as a catalyst. It is very similar to Issei's Diabolos Dragon form in the fact that the armor is organic and it is a mixture of silver and black the difference is it has 12 devil wings. In this form, like announcement of Boosted Gear changes from "Boost" to "D∞D", the Divine Dividing announces "Lucifer" in a voice that is amalgamation of Albion and Ophis' voices. Its finishing move is the Satan Lucifer Smasher.

Vali, Albion, and Ophis alternate lines when chanting the Diabolos Dragon Lucifer chant.

Vali: "The pure White Dragon dwelling within me, rise up from your supremacy"
Albion: "The silvery-white Morning Star I possess within me, claim the throne of Dawn"
Ophis: "The jet-black God of Infinity"
Vali: "The mysterious and unfathomable father of Devils"
Vali and Albion: "We shall transcend the limits to accept the oath"
All: "Thou shalt kneel down before our bright and glorious existence!"

Vali: 我に宿りし無垢なる白龍よ、覇の理をも降せ
Albion: 我が宿りし白銀の明星よ、黎明の王位に至れ
Ophis: 濡羽色の無限の神よ
Vali: 玄玄たる悪魔の父よ
Vali and Albion: 究極を超克する我らが誡を受け入れよ
All: 汝、玲瓏のごとく我らが燿にて跪拝せよ

Vali: Ware ni yadorishi mukunaru haku ryū yo, ha no ri o mo kudase
Albion: Waga yadorishi shirogane no myōjō yo, reimei no ōi ni itare
Ophis: Nurebairo no mugen no kami yo
Vali: Gengentaru akuma no chichi yo
Vali and Albion: Kyūkyoku o chōkoku suru warera ga kai o ukeireyo
All: Nanji, reirō nogotoku warera ga hikari nite kihai seyo


  • Divine Dividing and Boosted Gear were designated as Mid-Tier Longinus due to portions of the Heavenly Dragons' powers and abilities being sealed by God of the Bible, however, since these restrictions were being removed, their rankings might change.
  • Divine Dividing is one of two Longinus alongside the Nereid Kyrie to be wielded by a descendant of the original Satans.
    • Both Sacred Gears are also Dragon-related.
  • Divine Dividing bears a heavy resemblance to Lancelot Albion's Energy Wings from Code Geass. Interestingly enough, Lancelot's last name is the same as the Dragon sealed within the Divine Dividing.


  1. Light Novel Volume 3, Life 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Light Novel Volume 12, Life 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Light Novel Volume 21, Life.Lucifer
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Light Novel Volume 3, New Knight and New Rival
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Light Novel Volume 4, Life 5
  6. Light Novel Volume 6, Juggernaut Drive
  7. Light Novel Volume 10, Life MAX vs Life Power
  8. Light Novel Volume 11, Life 3
  9. Light Novel Volume 11, Life 4
  10. Light Novel Volume 7, Life 4


High School DxD
Sacred Gears
Original Longinus True LonginusZenith Tempest Annihilation MakerDimension LostBoosted GearDivine DividingRegulus NemeaCanis LykaonIncinerate AnthemAbsolute DemiseSephiroth GraalInnovate ClearTelos Karma
New Longinus Nereid KyrieStar Buster Star BlasterAeon BalorAlphecca TyrantUnknown Dictator
Artificial Sacred Gears Blazer Shining or Darkness BladeDown Fall Dragon SpearApplause WallProcellarum PhantomScouting PersonaTwinkle AegisRagnarok Earth Berserk
Regular Sacred Gears Sword BirthTwilight HealingForbidden Balor ViewAegis MineralizationHoly ResuscitationSturdy SaintBlade BlacksmithNight ReflectionGravity JailVariant DetonationMirror AliceTwice CriticalTrick VanishDreamlike CurseStrategy TrapFreezing ArchaeopteryxFlame ShakeStaring BlueStaring Green
Vritra's Sacred Gears Absorption LineBlaze Black FlareDelete FieldShadow Prison
Holy Relics True LonginusIncinerate AnthemSephiroth GraalAlphecca Tyrant
Balance Breakers
Original Longinus Polar Night Longinus ChakravartinFlagello di Colori del Arcobaleno, Speranza di BriscolaBandersnatch and JabberwockyDimension CreateScale MailRegulus Rey Leather RexNight Celestial Slash DogsLovely Heavenly AngelsAssoluto Argento Mondo
New Longinus Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast
Regular Sacred Gears Sword of BetrayerTwilight Saint Affection
Vritra's Sacred Gears Malebolge Vritra Promotion
Unique Sacred Gear Forms
Boosted Gear Juggernaut DriveIllegal Move TriainaCardinal Crimson PromotionDiabolos Dragon GodSuper Gigantic Balance Breaker
Divine Dividing Juggernaut DriveEmpireo Juggernaut OverdriveDiabolos Dragon Lucifer
Regulus Nemea Regulus Rey Leather Rex Imperial Purpure
Canis Lykaon Perfectus Tenebrae Lykaon et Fortis Densus Laelaps
Aeon Balor Forbidden Invade Balor the Princess
Vritra's Sacred Gears Vritra Promotion
Sacred Gear Possessors
Original Longinus Cao CaoDulio GesualdoLeonardoGeorgIssei HyoudouVali LuciferSairaorg BaelTobio IkuseLint SellzenLavinia ReniValerie TepesMitsuya Kanzaki
New Longinus Ingvild LeviathanShooting StarGasper VladiMeredith OrdintonMagnus Rose
Artificial Sacred Gears Tomoe MeguriAzazelMomo HanakaiRuruko NimuraReya KusakaTsubasa YuraVidar
Regular Sacred Gears Yuuto KibaAsia ArgentoPerseusDiethelm WaldseemüllerNero RaimondiJeanneConnlaLiban CrocellHeraclesTsubaki ShinraSiegfriedMisteeta SabnockMarsilioZhuge Liang
Vritra's Sacred Gears Genshirou Saji
Sacred Gears by Category
State Change Sacred Gears Boosted GearDivine DividingTelos KarmaAlphecca TyrantAegis MineralizationTwice CriticalProcellarum Phantom
Recovery Sacred Gears Sephiroth GraalTwilight HealingHoly Resuscitation
Creation Sacred Gears Annihilation MakerSword BirthBlade BlacksmithStrategy TrapScouting Persona
Defensive/Counter-Based Sacred Gears Mirror AliceNight ReflectionSturdy SaintTwinkle Aegis
Attribute/Elemental Sacred Gears Zenith TempestAbsolute DemiseIncinerate AnthemNereid KyrieUnknown DictatorVariant DetonationFreezing ArchaeopteryxFlame ShakeStaring BlueStaring Green
Time/Space-Based Sacred Gears Aeon BalorForbidden Balor ViewGravity JailDreamlike Curse
Barrier/Sealing Sacred Gears Dimension LostInnovate ClearTrick VanishApplause Wall
Independent Avatar Sacred Gears Absolute DemiseIncinerate AnthemCanis LykaonRegulus NemeaFour FiendsFreezing Archaeopteryx
Sealed/Contract Sacred Gears Boosted GearDivine DividingRegulus NemeaCanis LykaonFour FiendsVritra's Sacred GearsDown Fall Dragon SpearTwinkle AegisRagnarök Earth Berserk