High School DxD Wiki
High School DxD Wiki

Bürent is one of Riser Phenex's Pawns.


Bürent is a young girl with shoulder length brown hair, dressed in a sleeveless French maid uniform that exposes her breasts cleavage with a white laced design on the edges, as well as a maid headpiece, half-apron, and forearm length finger-less gloves.


Bürent is loyal Riser Phenex as well as affectionate towards him like the rest of his peerage. Bürent can be a bit complacent, falling for traps when believing to have achieving her objective. She also seems to be one who easily underestimates her opponents, as shown when she thought she had the upper hand on Yuuto for outnumbering him while blissfully unaware of his full capabilities.


Nothing much is known about her past except that at one point she joined Riser's peerage.


The Red Dragon Emperor's Awakening

Bürent first appears in Volume 2 at the Occult Research Club, when Riser is introduces his peerage to Rias, after the two of them decide to have a Rating Game. After a few days later on, Bürent was teamed up with Marion and Shuriya during the Rating Game to located the Gremory base while narrowly disabling obvious traps. The trio ended up facing Yuuto when it's revealed that they were actually being lured into a bigger trap setup by Akeno beforehand that prevents any of them from escaping. Despite their advantage in numbers, Yuuto was still able to defeat all of them.

The Legend of Oppai Dragon and his Lively Companions

In the Extra Life of DX.1, Bürent participated in her master's rematch against Rias. Like before, Bürent teamed up with Marion and Shuriya once again, only this time they were defeated by Rossweisse and Gasper.

In Volume 19, Bürent participates in the Rating Game between her master and Diehauser Belial.

Powers & Abilities

Promotion: Being a Pawn, Bürent can use promotion to temporarily gain the traits of a Queen, Rook, Knight, or Bishop.


  • Bürent is one of two of Riser's Peerage who is a Pawn and dresses as a maid, the other being Marion.

